Phi lah ju pyrkhat ne em ïa ka kyntien " 'ñiangbamkot"?
Ka dei ka kyntien kaba la pynkylla beit shisur shidur na ka kyntien phareng "bookworm" kaba thew ïa ki briew kiba khlaiñ bad sngewtynnat ban pule kot. Shuh shuh, kane ka jingpynkylla ka dei ruh ka jingbatai ïa ka kam ne ka jingbam jong ki "silverfish".
Have you ever thought of the Khasi word "'ñiangbamkot"?
The word is a literal translation of the English word "bookworm" which refers to a person who has a passion for reading. What's more is the translation emphasises the function of silverfish which is to eat paper. In Khasi" 'ñiang" is a shortened form of "khñiang" which means insect, "bam" means to eat and "kot" means paper.
It may be said that " 'ñiangbamkot" is a recent translation because Khasis arise from an oral tradition which would not have given importance to being a "ñiangbamkot" 😅📖🐛 Dedicated to all you worthy ñiangbamkotsss! 😁😂