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Ïuh Tdong Bseiñ

Ïuh tdong bseiñ

Ka jingong "ïuh tdong bseiñ" ka thew ïa kano kano ka jingjia kaba sngew kyndit shaba palat. Kata ka jingjur jong ka jingkyndit ka long kumba ïuh shisha ïa u tdong jong u bseiñ.

Kum ban ai nuksa: "Haba nga la ïohsngew ïa ka jingkhlad jong i Bah nga la long kumba "ïuh tdong bseiñ!"

"Ïuh tdong bseiñ" is a Khasi metaphorical idiom which literally means "to step on a snake's tail". The action of stepping on a snake's tail is supposed to symbolically convey the utter shock that is felt from a completely unexpected event.

"Ïuh tdong bseiñ" is another Khasi metaphorical idiom that is difficult to translate into English
Khasi explication and English translation by @speakyourroots

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