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Wan ïalam samla sha ïing

Bun na ngi haba ïa kren bad ki Meiieit, Paieit ne ki tymmen ha ïing, ngin kut beit ha ka "Shisha seh?!" 😄 Kaba ong i Meiieit ne Paieit te lah dei beit 🧑‍🦳🧑‍🦳 Ki khana bad ki jingong jong kiba heh ki long kiba kordor bad katba ngi nang lah ban kynmaw, katta kan nang bha.
Most of the sayings or phrases we know are spoken to us by our family or friends. Those spoken by our grandparents are especially important because they were a generation untouched by globalisation. 🏞️🌾

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