U slap haba u hap ha sla khyndew u hap syngngeit bad hap lynsher. Ha ki jaka bym don phlang ne kino kino ki jynthung, u slap u don ka bor kaba khlaiñ ban ksam bad pynmong ïa ka khyndew. Mar ïa slap ki symboh khyndew ne shyiap ki shah kynting kumba Iai haduh san inshi na sla khyndew shalor bad shah bret sharud na ka jaka ba kine ki symboh ki don mynshuwa. La ïoh jingkheiñ da ki riewstad ba u lapbah u lah ban pynkynriah jaka ïa ki symboh khyndew symboh shyiap haduh shispah ton ha ka shi akar ha ka shikynta.
When rain falls on the earth it falls in a forceful beating or grinding motion. In a place with no grass or plants, rain has the strong power to punch through and pound the soil. The instant it rains, soil or sand are thrown up about three to five inches from the ground and then they fall on a different place from where they were. Scientists have discovered that heavy rain can move 100 tons of soil from one acre in one hour.
Haba u slap u hap halor ka khyndew bym don jynthung ki symboh khyndew symboh shyiap bani bin bin ki set noh ïa ki thliew ki syar (pores) jong ka syrtap khyndew syrtap maw. Ka umslap ba bun ka tuid noh wut tang nalor sla khyndew bad tang khyndiat eh ka ngam shapoh ñiamra. Ïa kane ka jingtuid umslap nalor ki jaka bym don ne duna jynthung la khot "ka tuid wut" (run off) katba ïa ka jingtuid umslap ha sla khyndew ha baroh ki jaka ba don khlaw ne bym don khlaw la khot "ka tuid lor" (overland flow).
Kane ka tuid wut bad tuid lor jong ka umslap ki long ki bor bashyrkhei ban khrud bad pynkhoi ïa ka sla khyndew.
When rain falls on a place that is empty of plants, the fine soil or sand that is moved by the rain covers and blocks the pores of the earth and of rocks. Most of the rain water flows quickly over the ground and only a little seeps through into the earth. This flow of rain water in a place where there is less or no vegetation is called run off, while the rain water that flows in a forested area or a non-forested area is called overland flow.
Run off and overland flow of rain water are dangerous forces which scrub and erode the top soil.
U slap bad ka rukom hap jong u...Sngewtynnat ban pule ïa kane ka jingthoh ha ka kot i Dr. Dondor Giri Nongkhlaw. 🌦️🌧️
Rain and the way it falls...It is always a good idea to read books written by Dr. Dondor Giri Nongkhlaw. 🌦️🌧️
Dr. Dondor Giri Nongkhlaw is a Geomorphologist who has written several Khasi books focussing on the elements of the environment and their bond with Khasi life and culture.
🟡 English translation by @speakyourroots