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U 'Nai-it

Writer's picture: Speak Your RootsSpeak Your Roots

U ’Nai-it u dei u bnai uba shiphew jong ka snem, u dei u bnai uba ar jong ka Synrai. U bnai ba nyngkong jong ka Synrai u dei u 'Nailar. U 'Nai-it u don saw taïew lane arphew phra sngi.

Une u bnai u wan long kyrteng na ka jingpah u kbeit bad kiwei pat ki jait sim kiba her ha suiñ bneng. Ha une u bnai haba u kbeit u swait ha suiñ bneng ban kem sim ne kem khnai u ju pah ‘it it-it it’.

U long u bnai ba ki sim laiphew jait ki sngewtynnat ban her suwari ha suiñ bneng ban kem khnai ne khñiang. Baroh ki jait khñiang, ki dkhiew bad kiwei pat ki kynja ba im ki sngewtynnat ban paw pyrthei ha une u bnai. Ki ïa mih na la ki jong ki jong ki trep ban ïalehkai bad rynsied sngewbha ha sla khyndew namar ka bneng ka la rang itynnat bad u kba u la sdang saw doh.

"U 'Nai-it" is the tenth month of the year and it is the second month of Autumn. The first month of Autumn is " 'Nailar" (which roughly corresponds with September). "U 'Nai-it" has four weeks or twenty-eight days.

This month gets its name from from the chirping of a bird called "u kbeit" (which the Khasi dictionary calls "a kind of hawk") and other kinds of birds. During this month "u kbeit" while hunting smaller birds and rats makes an "it it-it it" sound.

Different types of birds go around flying everywhere during this month to hunt rats and insects. Many kinds of insects, ants and others like to emerge during this time. Animals and insects enjoy this time of the year as the weather is warm and sunny and paddy also begins to redden.

It is interesting that the Khasi calendar has 13 months of 28 days (except in a leap year). The calculation of the months corresponds to the phases of the moon.
Source: Rev. Dr. Ïarington Kharkongngor
English translation by @speakyourroots


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