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U ksew ha ïew luri lura by Tony Slong

Writer: Speak Your RootsSpeak Your Roots

World Folklore Day 2023 🏞️🌿

Kane ka matti jingdro da i @tonyslong ka pyni ïa u ksew ha ka khyllipmat ba u lap ïa ka tungrymbai shuwa ba un rah ban die ïa ka kumba la ïathuh ha ka khanaparom "Ka Ïew Luri Lura jong u Laiphew Mrad". 🐶😄

Khublei Shibun @tonyslong ba phi la phah ïa kane ka dur kaba pynmutdur ha ngi ïa kane ka khanaparom! 🙏🙏




This painting by @tonyslong depicts the dog from the well-known Khasi folktale "Ka Ïew Luri Lura jong u Laiphew Mrad".

In the story the dog attempts to sell tungrymbai or fermented soyabean in the animal market but it ends up being trampled upon by the other animals because they could not bear the smell of tungrymbai 😅😅🐶🐶 It is said that it is because of this incident that the dog came to live with man.


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