- A poem honouring the life of U Soso Tham by Da0hi Manar
"Kama ka ap haba la than eh ka suk"
Bad la pyrdaiñ ruh shah teh mraw-
Lada ngim len lade, ngim kyndit bynriew.
Ynnai jingstad pyrthei,
Lada lajong ngim tip ei ei;
Ban long ba shemphang, ban thom ki jingeh,
Ï'u khasi-khara, U da hikai ban shlur ïaleh.
Ym tang katta,
Dei na ka pyrkhat bakhraw,
U thylleij ba pnah,
Ki kyntien ba kordor,
Ki lynghoh kti bakhlaiñ,
Ka sap ba kyrpang,
Ka nongrim ba skhem,
ba sa lah ban sei waitlam - U Khulom Ksiar.
Waitlam ba lah ban thwat lynti
U long kum khlur ha ngi!
Im ka kyrteng ha 'Duitara Ksiar',
'Phawer u Aesop' bad'
'Ki sngi barim u Hynniew-trep'
La haka sneng ka kraw,
Ka kyntu-kynpham,
Ki kyntien shongsbai nylla,
Ki symboh pyrkhat;
Ki jinghikai - U KHRAW PYRKHAT.
Longdien ban tang pyrto la nam kin burom,
Bad ki matti kin nang ïai neh junom.
Ha kane ka taïew baroh shi taïew ngi la ïoh ki poitri ba pher ba pher. Mynta ka sngi, ka 18 tarik u Nohprah, kaba dei ka lyngkhuh sngi ïap jong u myllung Soso Tham, ngin sah dak ïa ka poitri "U Khraw Pyrkhat" ba la thoh da u @xdtnoahjupejackllthmanar ✍️📖 Khublei Chibōn Daohi wa phah phi ya ka poitri yong phi! 🙏🙏 @xdtnoahjupejackllthmanar says: "U Khraw Pyrkhat" —A poem honouring the life of U Soso Tham is an ode. The poem talks about the work, dedication and the love of u Soso Tham for the Khasi-Jaiñtia community, U khun Hynñiew trep-Hynñiew skum. Meghalaya's greatest poet has tremendously contributed and dedicated his life to the needs of society. It isn't easy to write or to compose something about the life of a great personality and an excellent poet. I take at least 4 hours to really get into his life and present this poem to the world. I examine each word and I read aloud to make sure that readers can have a better understanding. At first, I thought of writing this poem in a bilingual style like I usually do. Yet, on second thought I chose to compose the poem in the way in which I think it needs to be told. The choice of language answers the second question. Hence, the Khasi language is used, the language in which my voice speaks best. "Namar" translates to "because" is the opening word of a poem. It represents the second line of the first stanza, the lines which U Soso Tham himself says, "Ka ma ka ap haba la than eh ka suk" these lines forge an immediate emotional connection to invoke the thematic intentions of the poem, and give an insight into my writing style. Soso tham was a great inspiration for many of the Khasis and Jaiñtias. We have been taught to choose the mightiest weapon - "U khulom", "the pen". Having said that, if you could recall from one of his poems the lines which say "Ïeng samla ha ka thoh kot" U Soso Tham never wanted us to "bud tynneng" , to not be brave. He taught us the true meaning of life, knowledge and wisdom, honest and trustworthy. He encourages us to hold on to our roots with pride and dignity and to stand firm "ha la ki jong ki kjat".