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U Kba da i Rangskhembor Mawblei

Kba u symbai

u kba u soh,

u khaw ka ïing

man I'u symboh.

Sara ne thung

U ïeng hi joit,

'dak ka pateng

u briew u ïoh.

Khyndew ka riew

ba briew u doh,

u long lang keiñ

mariang ka snoh.

La thaw kyrpang

man I'u symboh,

I'u stait la bret

b'u met u soh.

Ka dur b'u rah

ïa u la ai,

lada ngin peit

ne bam kumjuh.

Baroh ngin tip

Ï'u kba lashai,

ne mynta ruh

u dak ka kpoh.

"U Kba" is an original Khasi poem written by @rangskhembormawblei , who is a sculptor and installation artist. He teaches in Mairang Vidyajyoti Inclusive Secondary School. He completed his BFA & MFA from Visva Bharati University, Kala Bhavana, Santiniketan. Khublei Shibun @rangskhembormawblei ba phi la ai lad ban sah dak ïa ka poitri jong phi! 😄🙏 U kba u dei uba ngi ithuh ha man la ka thliew ïing Khasi bad u long uba pyntyllun ïa ka jingim jong ngi bad ïa ki samoi ka mariang ruh. Ngi sngewtynnat ba kane ka poitri ka ai ka jingmut kaba jylliew, kaba ai ki symboh kba kiba kordor 🌾🌾🏞️ Rice paddy is known to every Khasi household, it moves the circle of life and the circle of seasons too. We appreciate poetry like this because it gives us a depth of meaning, it gives in each paddy valuable seeds of thought. 🏞️🌾🌾

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