U Khasi u don ka rukom pyrkhat kaba kham kyrpang ha ka jingïadei bad ki dak "Lai". Haba thung mawbyrsiew, u pynïeng lai tylli ki maw ban shet jingshet. Haba phah khubor na kawei ka jaka sha kawei pat, u pyndonkam lai tylli ki ksah ne kyrwoh. Haba jer khun shynrang, u pyndonkam lai tylli ki kyrteng bad lai tylli ki khnam. Haba thang briew, u pyndonkam lai tylli ki 'nam tympem ban siat ha ka kpep ha ka por thang briew. Haba pyrta shnong, u pyrta lai sien lai wat. Haba thung mawbynna kur, ki thung lai tylli ki mawbynna na ka bynta u kñi bad ar ngut ki pyrsa. Haba poikha poiman lane haba iap briew, ki ap lai sngi lai miet ban trei ia kiwei pat ki kam.
The Khasis have a unique perception and regard for the number "3" When they erect a "mawbyrsiew" which is the stone used as support for cooking in the hearth they use three stones. When they send a message or news from one place to another, they use three "ksah" or "kyrwoh" which are rings made from threads of bamboo. When they choose a name for a son during the name ceremony, they choose from three names and also keep three arrows. At the cremation, the Khasis shoot three arrows called " 'nam tympem" in the place belonging to a specific clan for cremations. When there is a public announcement, the "sangot" addresses the people three times before making the actual announcement. When they erect the clan moniliths, there are three moniliths: one for the maternal uncle and the other two for his nieces or nephews. When there is a wedding or a funeral, the Khasis wait for three days to perform other work.
The number "3" has a significance that is wide ranging for Khasis and Pnars. Here is an excerpt from U Khasi Bad Ka Mariang by Rev. Dr. Ïarington Kharkongor. 3️⃣3️⃣3️⃣
🟡 English translation by @speakyourroots