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The Social Contract by Jean Jacques Rousseau

Writer: Speak Your RootsSpeak Your Roots

"Man is born free, but everywhere he is in chains. Here's one who thinks he is the master of others, yet he is more enslaved than they are."

- From The Social Contract by by Jean-Jacques Rousseau

"Ïa u briew la kha uba laitluid, hynrei kat shaba u phai la kyrdot ïa u da ki kynjri saikhum. U pyrkhat ba u long kynrad halor kiwei, phewse u kham shah teh mraw pynban ïa kiwei."

- Na The Social Contract da u Jean-Jacques Rousseau

Ka kot The Social Contract (1762) ba la thoh da u Jean-Jacques Rousseau ka dei ka kot kaba bha palat lada ngi lah ban pule ïa ka. Kane ka dei kawei na ki kot ka ban ïarap ïa ngi ban sngewthuh kham jylliew ïa ka jingïadei para briew, ka synshar khadar, ka saiñ pyrthei, ka jingnang jingstad, ka ïoh ka kot bad ka imlang sahlang ha ka jingsuk bad jingbha jingmiat. 🗣️🫂👥 Lada lah ban pynkylla sha ka ktien Khasi kan dei ka sienjam kaban long ka jingïohnong ïa ngi baroh! Khublei Shibun @czmylliem ba phi la pynkynmaw ïa kane ka kot 🤗🤗 The Social Contract (1762) by Jean-Jacques Rousseau is a political piece of writing that serves as a pylon for the democracies of today, as it theorizes the elements of a free state where people agree to coexist with each other under the rules of a common body that represents the general will. Jean-Jacques Rousseau was a Genevan philosopher, writer and composer. His political philosophy influenced the progress of the Age of Enlightenment throughout Europe, as well as aspects of the French Revolution and the development of modern political, economic and educational thought. 🟡 Khasi translation by @speakyourroots


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