This comic book has been adapted from the Khasi folktale U Sier Lapalang by Joshua S. Rynjah. It was published by Joshua S. Rynjah and Alienleaf Studio in 2014.
The book is available on Google Play Store as an e-book: https://play.google.com/store/books/details/The_Legend_of_U_Sier_Lapalang?id=e-y4BAAAQBAJ
Script: Joshua S. Rynjah
Storyboard: Joshua S. Rynjah
Art: Alienleaf Studio
Art Director: Joshua S. Rynjah
Graphic Designer: Dipankar Sinha
Post Processing: Dipankar Sinha
Colour and Shading by: Aikindasuk D. Khongsngi and Grover Me'Gam
Online Publishing and Marketing: Lambert Shadap and Lenin Nongsiej
Joshua S. Rynjah is an Assistant Professor in the Department of English, St. Mary's College, Shillong.