Ka jingong "Tep eit miaw" ka don ar jingmut.
Ka jingmut kaba nyngkong ka long ban leh klet ïa kaei kaei.
Ka jingmut kaba ar ka long kaba pyrshang ban tap noh ïa ka jingshisha jong kaei kaei da kaba pyni daw da kumne kumtai.
The Khasi phrase "tep eit miaw" has two meanings.
The first meaning is to pretend to be forgetful of something.
The second meaning is the attempt to cover up the truth about something with frivolous reasons or excuses.
"Tep eit miaw" is a Khasi phrase that literally means to bury cat poop 😸💩 Love the graphic imagery of Khasi phrases! 😂 We've all definitely been in such a situation 😂😅 And there's nothing like indigenous sayings to drive home a point. 🟡 English translation by @speakyourroots