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Saw Ka Tyngab

Writer: Speak Your RootsSpeak Your Roots

"Saw ka tyngab" ka dei ka jingong Khasi kaba kren shaphang ka por kaba dangstep phyrngab. Ha ka jingbatai, ka ktien "phyrngab" ka dei ka por shuwa ban kynjat shai. Ngi lah ban ong ba "saw ka tyngab" ka dei haba ka bneng ka dang shu sdang ban kyan shai, ha kaba ka jngum jong ka miet ka shah pashat da ka saw jong ki kjat sngi.

Sa kawei ka jingbatai kaba la ïoh ka long ba ka jingong "saw ka tyngab" ka thew ba ngin leh ïa kano kano katba dang kloi ne katba dang biang ka por khlem don ka jingbuhteng.

"Saw ka tyngab" is a Khasi phrase which refers to the earliest time of the morning. The word "phyrngab" means the time before the arrival of dawn or the sun's rays. We may say that "saw ka tyngab" is when the night sky is just beginning to see a sliver of light, when the blue of night is coloured by the red of the sun's rays.

Another explanation of "saw ka tyngab" is that the phrase refers to doing something early or while there is time and not procrastinating.

The Khasi phrase "Saw ka tyngab" is one which we hear often but have not really read an explanation of. "Saw" means the colour red (or four) and "tyngab" means crow. Perhaps these also have a meaning but we have yet to know what they might signify. 🌄🌄 Khublei Shibun ïa baroh ki nongbud jong ka page kiba la phah ïa ki jubab bad ki jingmut jong ki shaphang kane ka jingong! 🙏🙏 🟡 Khasi and English explication by @speakyourroots


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