Deep within the soul-stirring verses of this song, one can't help but feel a profound contemplation of the cherished days of childhood, forever beyond our grasp. It weaves a tapestry of memories from a time when life was filled with innocence and boundless joys. The singers voices quiver with the echoes of those days, where they once chanted childhood rhymes, paying homage to Herimai from "La Dikut u 'Sai Tyllai."
In these verses, we embark on a journey through the vibrant landscapes of childhood, where kites soared high, and ropes danced to the rhythm of childhood laughter. The singer's words paint a vivid picture of crafting playthings from the humble 'tiew saw' stems and creating 'mynja' a mystical blend to strengthen fragile kite strings, infusing their recollections with a deep sense of nostalgia.
The heart of this song pulsates with an intense yearning to return to the days of carefree childhood. Even the looming specter of discipline and reprimand cannot dissuade this longing, for it is an acknowledgment that the heavy cloak of adulthood and its formidable responsibilities are approaching like an unrelenting tempest, ready to veil the simplicity of those cherished childhood moments.
Here, the ephemeral nature of time is a prevailing theme, a poignant reminder of our inevitable journey toward maturity and the poignant loss of those precious moments. This song resonates with a wistful longing for a time long gone, stirring the deepest recesses of the soul.
Ha ki jylliew jong ki dkhot kane ka jingrwai, ngim lah khlem sngew ktah ïa ka jingpuson kaba shoh jingmut shaphang ki sngi kordor ka jinglong khynnah, kiba la lait noh na ki shympriah kti jong ngi. Ka jingrwai ka thaiñ ïa ki jingkynmaw jong ka jingim kaba dap da ka jinglui lui bad ka jingkmen bym kut shuh. Ka sur kynud ki nongrwai ka pynsawa ïa kine ki sngi, haba ki pyrto ïa ka Herimai na "La Dikut u 'Sai Tyllai."
Ha kine ki dkhot, ngi ïaid lynti lyngba ki lum ki wah jong ka jinglong khynnah, ha kaba ki kot kudi ki her shajrong bad ki ksai ki shad ha ka rkhie ka samut ki sngi khynnah. Ki nongrwai ki ai rong ai rup ïa ki jinglehkai ba la thaw na ki dieng 'tiew saw bad ka mynja, ka jingkhleh ban pynkhlaiñ ïa ki ksai kot kudi, bad ka jingkynmaw jong ki ka long myllung haduh katta katta.
Ka dohnud jong kane ka jingrwai ka thrang ban leit phai sha ki sngi kordor jong ka jinglong khynnah. Wat lada ka rngai jong ka jingmai bad jingsneng ki ïeng hajan, kim lah ban pynblad ïa kane ka jingthrang, namar kane ka mih na ka jingsngewthuh ïa ka tapmoh kaba khia jong ka jinglong rangbah bad ki jingkitkhlieh ba khia jong ka ki wan kum ka erlangthari ba jur, kaba kloi ban kah ïa ka shisur shidur jong kine ki khyllipmat ka jinglong khynnah.
Hangne ka jingbymneh jong ka por ka dei ka phang pdeng, ka jingpynkynmaw kaba ktah jur namar ka batai ïa ka jingïaid ka bym lah lait sha ka jinglong rangbah bad ka jingduh noh ïa ki khyllipmat ba kordor. Kane ka jingrwai ka kyrtiangsur ïa ka jingthrang ïa ki sngi ba la leit, kiba khih ha ki khulpi ka mynsiem.
Kane ka dei ka Peit Bniah jong ka jingrwai "Por Ba La Leit" ba la thoh da i (Late) Loren Sing Marbañiang bad ba la rwai da @maxterwarjriandtheband bad i Donbok Lyngdoh.
Khublei Shikhohtyndaw Dr. Ellerine Diengdoh na ka bynta kane ka Peit Bniah kaba sngewtynnat bad kaba phi lah thoh sani bha! 😃😃🙏🙏
Khublei Shibun @maxterwarjri ïa ki jingai jingmut jong phi 🙏😄
Phi lah ban sngap ïa kane ka jingrwai ha YouTube ha kane ka link https://youtu.be/WIOL_8F8HLc?si=hFWUYX562qpH2PCf
🟡 Khasi translation by @speakyourroots
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