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"Pa Baieid" da Sambynta kharbuki

Ko pa ba ieid ko pa ba thiang

kumno iaphi ngan siew kylliang

naduh ba mih sha ka pyrthei

nga dang iohi tang ia i mei

Balei pa nanga phi jah

nga duh iaphi na dang khynnah

ynda mynta iaphi nga wad

hynrei satang jing jaw ummat

Ka jingieid na phi nga duh

namar nga tip ngam lah shem shuh

mynta nga sah tang bad i mei

nga im khlem maphi ha pyrthei

Ko pa phi lah mo ban wan phai

to peit i mei i tlot i swai

i trei shitom ah i bapli

tang na kadaw bym don maphi

Ha rngai ki jingphohsniew phi don

mangi arngut mynsiem ngi shon

I mei bapli bunsien i ong

tip shuh kein khun kumno gin long

Ko pa baieid to wan seh pa

hangne iaphi nga iai pyrta

hato kopa phi sngew ianga

balei kumne kein ka wan jia

Nga peit ki lok kyrhai ba bun

ha shadem u kpa ki iohthiah hun

nga pat hangne bad i mei

i pa la khlad noh na pyrthei

-Sambynta kharbuki

Original Khasi poem "Pa Baieid" written by @samsan_yt 💟💟💟 Thank you for sending this personal and touching poem! 🥺🥺🥺
The poem speaks about the value of a father. Sambynta longs to see his father and wishes he could be with his mother and him. Suffering and trials are known to us all but it is perhaps sharpened more painfully for those without a father. Thank you for having the courage to share this poem! 👏👏👏

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