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Nga khmah a phai/ I miss you

Writer: Speak Your RootsSpeak Your Roots

I miss you - Nga khmah ïa phai, ka daw ka iong pynkylla ktian ha ka kyntian chnong cji. "Nga khmah ïa phai" a "Nga lah khmah bha ïa phai" - "I have dearly missed you." La kanai ka senten ka chi kit iongmut lot archah ban ted ïa ka iongong "| miss you." Kanai ka senten "nga khmah ïa phai" ka thow bha ia ka iong snow angnod, ka iong snow angnod ban cjoh ia kynduh lot bad arcju arcju iong cji blah, ban cjoh a en lot nen ki por man riim, a ted ban cjoh ji lot be iah ki iong cji sngow blah, ban cjoh lot ia ka iong snow chngaiñ cjin dah ji lot ia kita.

La ka kyntian "khmah" ka en lot sa kawei ka iongmut ha ka kyntian chnong cji, kata ka daw "to look up" a ban syndang hah kynjang.

Ha ka por iong cji dang nahrit (wat mynnai cji da lah san be) cji sngow chalai bha ban pynpaw ïa kanai ka kyntian ha ki braw iong cji soid, cji khmah. Ki kow be, ki sngowchalai ban krenkai krensoid be kanai ka kyntian.

Te man ka por, cji dah ong cji lah khmah bha ia phai, kin kyllai kylla iah cji, "how have you missed me?" (phi khmah lehnow ia nga?), nen ki nahrit man dang luilui ka iongmut, cji be cji khmah ki khleh ha kynjang ban pynpaw ba cji khmah ia kikow lehtow. Ka sngow chalai bha da cji pyrkhat ja kata.

Dialect - War Mawpud

Shnong - Lower Mawpud

I miss you - "Nga khmah ia phai", a direct translation to our dialect. "Nga khmah ia phai" or "Nga lah khmah bha ia phai - I have dearly missed you. " But the sentence carry a deeper meaning than just a mere "I miss you", it's more of a longing. A longing to be with someone and recreate past memories again, or even just to see them and feel their presence once again. However, the word "khmah" holds a different meaning again in our dialect, which is "to look up".

As young kids (even now as adults) we, that is, our people back in the village, including I, love to expresse this word to our loved ones when we miss them. They, in turn, love to be playful with the word.

So whenever we told them we have missed them, they would playfully ask us "how have you missed me?" and we would innocently lift up our heads in the sky (the other meaning of "khmah" is to look up) to show them that's how we've missed them. And it's so adorable when think about it.

In Khasi we say "Nga tmang ïa phi" or "Nga kynjah ïa phi" which is translated as "I miss you". 💌💌💌
Khublei Shibun @aiti.wniang for sending this! 🙏😄 She has written this post in her dialect which is from War Mawpud. It is interesting to read it in your dialect! 🤓
🟡 English translation by @aiti.wniang


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