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Langwarku Sang Khyndew

Writer: Speak Your RootsSpeak Your Roots

Langwarku Sang Khyndew

(Ka Langbyrkaw ne Ka Langwarku)

Ïa ka "Langbyrkaw"/ "Langwarku" ju ïohsngew ïa ka ba ka pah wat la ka long kaba kham ñiar ban ïohi ha ki lawbah lawsan. Kane ka sim kam ju kham hiar sha khyndew.

Ïa ki briew kiba juh ban shong bad pynlut por ha la marwei bad kiba salia ban ïashem ïakynduh ïa kiwei la ju sin ka "langwarku sang khyndew".

The "Langbyrkaw" or the Blue Throated Barbet is heard in deep forests even though it is difficult to be sighted. This bird never sets foot on the ground.

If there are individuals who like to be alone and to spend time by themselves, not wanting or liking to meet other people, they are nicknamed "langwarku sang khyndew".

Kane ka dei ka "Langbyrkaw" ne "Langwarku" 😄😄
In English it is called the Yellow-footed Green Pigeon. This is corroborated by H. O. Mawrie in his book "The Khasi Milieu" (1981).
The Yellow-footed Green Pigeon has a bright coloration and possesses yellow legs and an orange-yellow neck. It can be identified by its gray-colored strip present on each shoulder. Both males and females look similar to each other. This bird is not really vocal, but it gives cooing whistles on occasion. (Source:
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Khublei Shibun @longnamkharpuri ba phi la ïarap ban ïoh ïa ka dur bad ïa ka jingtip kaba dei 🙏🙏 Khublei Shibun @duwaki9 ïa phi ruh 😄


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