Some words in the Laitlyngkot dialect contributed by @mebatei I khongsti given in the order of Lailyngkot - Standard Khasi - English.
Ma ï - Mangi - Us
Bileh - Balei - Why
Ynñioh - Ynnai - No need
Jyrwoi/Khynning - Kynjing - Disgusting
Mieh - Wad - Search
Lyntun - Tyllun - Roll
Diei - Dei - Correct/ Right
Bliei - Blei - God
Kynthiei - Kynthei - Girl/ Woman
Syir - Syiar - Hen
Sning - Sniang - Pig
Pding - Pdiang - Accept
Sohlah - Phan - Potato
Bitlun/ Pitlun - Patlun - Pants
Bam jia - Bamja - To eat rice
Dih shia - Dih sha - To drink tea
Here are some words according to the Laitlyngkot dialect contributed by @mebatei_l_khongsti Khublei Shibun! 😀🙏