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Updated: Jun 4, 2023

Ka ktien "kyllarnga" ka mut kaei kaei kaba la duh noh ïa ka jinglong tynrai.

Kane ka lah ban dei ka jingduh noh ïa ka jinglong kaba pynlong ïa kiei kiei kumba ki long, ka jingduh ïa ka jinglong ne ka bynta kaba donkam eh, ne ka jingduh ïa ka jingshisha ha kiei kiei baroh.

The word "kyllarnga" refers to something that has lost its origin or source or essence. This loss may be the loss of the quality that defines the nature of things as they are, the loss of the quality or the part which is of critical importance, or the loss of truth in all things.

"Rnga" is the Khasi word for charcoal and here it is coupled with the word "kylla" which means change. Thus "kyllarnga" denotes a difficult change which leads to an irrevocable loss. 😢🚫❌
🟡 English translation by @speakyourroots

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