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Ko Pyrthei Shongbasa da i Vianney B. Nongrum

Ko pyrthei shongbasa,

ngam bynnud iapha.

Ki riewshetkylla, ki

riewharam, ki riew khwan

lalot suda, nga lah i

ngiah shisha.

Sa tang ka jingpihuiñ,

sa tang ka jingbishni,

shisha la dap da ka jingijli.

Mynsiem isynei,

mynsiem ia tiplem,

lah tyllep khlem


Ah, ko jingim ioh pha ong

ba nga bynnud ia ka pyrthei;

Em hynrei nga puson ia

kaei ba nga pynsepei.

Ban ngan da ioh ban kheit

ia kiei kiei ba nga lah duh;

ngan Jin da kmen da jingsahuh.

-Vianney B. Nongrum

Original Khasi poem "Ko Pyrthei Shongbasa" by @vi.vianney_nongrum_b 😄😄😄 Thank you for this thought provoking poem!
The poem talks about the world as a temporary home. How betrayal, ingratitude and selfishness has marred human existence. Compassion and conscience have disappeared. She says to life that she thinks about what is lost; if only she could get them back how happy she would be.

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