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Ko Meirad phi leh aïu?

Writer: Speak Your RootsSpeak Your Roots

Ko Meirad, phi leh aïu?

Nga wad thyrnia...

Ban leh aïu thyrnia?

Ban suh ka pla...

Ban leh aïu ka pla?

Ban thep pisa...

Ban leh aïu pisa?

Ban thied khanshi...

Ban leh aïu khanshi?

Ban khap shñiuh ïa phi!

Oh granny, what are you doing?

I'm searching for a needle...

What do you need the needle for?

To stitch a bag...

What do you need the bag for?

To keep money in it...

What do you need the money for?

To buy scissors...

What do you need the scissors for?

To cut you hair!

"Ko Meirad phi leh aïu?..." ka dei sa kawei ka jingïalehkai kaba ngi shait ïalehkai. 😄😄 Don ki por ba ngi shait ai da ki jubab kiba komik ruh 😂🤡 I dei ito iba dei Meirad em iba beh ïa kiwei ha kaba kut? 🤔 Khublei Shibun @sandrahynniewta ba phi la pynkynmaw ïa kane 🙏 This is another childhood game that most of us played when we were children. I've said this before and I'll say it again: We don't hear kids playing these games anymore 😢😢 🟡 English translation by @speakyourroots


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