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Ki Sngi Ïew or Khasi Market Days by Farlando Diengdoh

Ki Sngi Їew

Ka rukom kheiñ taïew jong ki Khasi ka ïapher na ka rukom jong ki phareng. Ka shi taïew ha ki Khasi ka dei phra sngi. Bad la kheiñ ïa ki sngi jong ka taïew da ki sngi ïew. Ki ïew ha Ri Khasi ki don man la ki thaiñ, kata ki Ri Lum Pnar, Ri Lum Mihngi, Ri Bhoi bad Ri Lum Sepngi. Ka don ruh ka jingpynbeit ryntih ïa ki ïew heh da kaba shim na baroh ki thaiñ. Hangne ha rum ngan pyrshang ban buh ryntih ïa ki Sngi ïew Khasi.

Ha kitei ki jingkdew, ngi lah ban ïohi ba ha ka sngi Їew Duh ka dei ruh ka sngi Ïew Laban/ Langkyrdem ha Ri Lum Mihngi, ne ka Borkhat/Nongjngi ha Ri Lum Pnar, Umshohphria ha Ri Bhoi bad Rangblang/ Maweit ha Ri Lum Sepngi. Te ka jingkylli mynta ka long kumno ngin tip kum mynta ka sngi ka dei ka sngi ïew aiu?

Lada phi tip kawei ka sngi, phin suk ban tip ïa kiwei de. Nuksa ha ka 1 tarik Kyllalyngkot 2022 ka dei ka sngi ïew heh Mawlong/ Nongpoh. Ka 2 tarik kan dei ka sngi ïew heh Rynghep/ Jowai/ Їawmusiang bad kumta ter ter.

The way in which the Khasis calculate their week is different from the West. The Khasi week has eight days and this results from the calculation of market days. There are different markets which exist in the Khasi hills. These markets are the Ri Lum Pnar (Jaiñtia/ Pnar hills), Ri Lum Mihngi (Eastern hills), Ri Bhoi (Bhoi region) and Ri Lum Sepngi (Western hills). There is also a proper arrangement for the markets considering the fact that they occur in different areas. The second slide is the sequence of the different market days.

In the sequence of market days, we see that the day of Їewduh is also the day of Laban/ Lyngkyrdem in Ri Lum Mihngi, or Borkhat/ Nongingi in Ri Lum Pnar, Umsohphria in Ri Bhoi and Rangblang/ Maweit in Ri Lum Sepngi. The question is how do we know which market day falls on which day?

If we know one market day it will be easy to know the other market days too. For example, on the 1st of January 2022 it was Їew Mawlong/ Nongpoh. The 2nd of January 2022 will be the Їew Rynghep/ Jowai/ Їawmusiang and so on and so forth.

"Ki Sngi Ïew" or the Khasi market days sent by @fdphy 🍉🍍🧅🌽🏞️ Khublei Shibun for this comprehensive and valuable contribution! 💚🌲🙏😀 🟡 You can download the digital calendar of the Khasi market days from -iew-khasi.html?m=1
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