"Kren padan" ka dei kaba kren pakhang ktien ba kiwei kin ym ïoh kren/ to speak in a way that obstructs others from getting a chance to speak.
"Kren 'nam ksiar 'tien ksiar" ka dei haba kren ïa ka jingbha ban da ïa ka hok ka burom ha ka pyrthei/ to speak for the good of others or about goodness, for the protection of rights, dignity and honour in the world (or in human life).
"Kren Ikhit" ka dei kaba kren kumba ïathuh bniah ïa ki skid ne sker ki bym larkam/ to speak or relay in detail about all sorts and kinds of things but in a useless way.
"Kren saidlah" ka dei kaba kren said ban pynïeng la ka nia ne dáw wat la lah shah pyndem ha ka jingïatainia/ to speak in order to support one's argument or reason even though the argument or reason has been weakened or criticised in a debate.
Sa shi hud ki rukom kren ha ka Khasi 😀🗣️
This is Part Il of the different ways of speaking in Khasi. May the words we speak empower us and those who listen to us! 💫💫
🟡 English translation by @speakyourroots