Ka jingïap ka wan ha bun ki rukom. Ma nga, ma phi bad baroh ngi lah duh ïa ki baieit bathoiñ jong ngi. Ïa kata ngim lah ban pynkylla.
Ka don sa kawei ka jait jingïap kaba ap shrip, na lyndet u mawsiang. Ka jingïap jong ka ktien ka thylliej bad ka riti ka dustur. Da lei lei ruh kine kim dei ban jah ne hiar ha ka jinglong kongsan.
Baroh ngi kwah ban bat ban ksoh ïa ka jinglong jingman kaba kynsai kaba long tang ka jong ngi hi. Ngi kwah ruh ban ïoh ïa ka jingsngewthuh kaba shai ba ngi dei trai dei bynta jong ka thymmei kaba kumno.
Kam myntoi ba ngin kam ba ngi dei ki Khasi haba ïa ka hyndai ngim tip ngim bna, ïa ka lawei ngim thawdur bad ïa ka mynta ngi pynsdot pynswai. Ngi lah ban ong ba uno uno u briew uba klet noh ïa ka tynrai, lada u poi ha ka khep ka jynjar, un kynmaw shuwa ba u dei u Khasi.
Ka ktien ka thylliej kaba ngi kren man la ka sngi ka shon shap ha ka dohnud bad ha ka jabieng. Ka ktien ka hikai ïa ka akor ka burom para briew, kumno ban im, kumno ban ïaid, kumno ban ïa tyllun kylliang bad ka mariang ka meirisawkun.
Namar kata sumar bad husiar kumno phi kren. Phi pyntei ne phi pyntor? Phi pyrto ne phi len?
Death comes in many ways. You and I have lost our loved ones and know how the experience is. This is something we cannot change.
But there is a different kind of death waiting stealthily, behind rocks and boulders. The death of language, of the spoken word, of culture and custom. Their importance should never be reduced nor should it ever disappear.
We all want to hold on to a unique identity which is ours alone. We also want to have a clear understanding of the source to which we belong to.
It is of no use to claim to be Khasi if we do not know anything about our past, if we do not mould the future and if we weaken and cripple the present. It may be said that if an individual who has forgotten his roots experiences the shadow of difficulties, he will remember that he is Khasi.
The words and language we speak everyday have an imprint on our heart and brain. Language teaches behaviour and conduct, the way to live and exist, how to sustain the cycle with nature and the environment.
Thus, speak with care and caution. Do you build or tear down? Do you cherish or deny?
Ki jingpuson ha ka janmiet Jymmang. 💭💭🗣️ Some thoughts to muse upon on a May evening. 🗣️💭💭 🟡 Written in Khasi and English by @speakyourroots