Btáj-btáj ka mut kaba kynja ba dambit ne bit nah/ soft and sticky.
Wur-wur ka mut kaba kylluid ne kaba ïar/ something loose or wide.
Wap-wap, wep-wep ka mut ba jem tlot, kumba jem u briew ba pang swai/ someone who is frail and delicate because of ill health.
Ryngmang-ryngmang ka mut kaei kaei kaba long kyndit khlem da pyrkhat ne khmih lynti lypa/ something unexpected and unforeseen.
Jngaiñ-jngaiñ ka mut kaba ïong shikatdei kum ka um ba jylliew/ something dark like very deep water.
Ngaiñ-ngaiñ ka mut kaba dum tliw bad ka thew ïa ka jingdum jong ka bneng/ very dark and usually refers to the darkness of the sky.
Pharúh-phareh ka mut ha ka rukom ka bym suitniew/ careless, reckless, clumsy.
Khasi adverbs bring character and substance to the Khasi language! 💬🗯️💭 They describe actions, colour, emotion and so many things with a dramatic effect that is not easily translated.