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Ka Tyrko/ Ka Jingtyrko/ Ka Jingïakop Tyrko

Writer: Speak Your RootsSpeak Your Roots

Ka Tyrko (noun) ka dei ka kynhun ki samla kiba pule ha ka salonsari ne kino kino kiba wad bniah shaphang kano kano ka mat hapoh ka jingïalam u nonghikai.

Ka tyrko ka dei ruh ka jingïalang na ka bynta ka jingïasyllok ne ka jingïaphylliew jingmut ne ai jinghikai.

Shuh shuh, ka tyrko ne ka jingtyrko ne ka jingïakop tyrko ka dei ka jingïatainia halor kawei ka mat pdeng.

The Khasi word "Tyrko" (noun) is a group of students studying in a university or anyone who has undertaken research on a topic under the guidance of a teacher.

"Tyrko" is also a gathering like a seminar for the purpose of having discussion and discourse or the teaching of a group of people.

Further, "Tyrko" or "Jingtyrko" or "Jingïakop Tyrko" is a debate on a particular topic.

Ka jingmut jong ka ktien "Tyrko" ka dei kaba donkam ba ngin kynmaw. 👍👍
🟡 "Salonsari" ka mut University. Lah ju sah dak mynshuwa ïa kane ka kyntien.
Another Khasi word that is important for wider usage is "Tyrko".
🟡 English translation by @speakyourroots


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