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Ka shawla ha ka por tlang

Writer: Speak Your RootsSpeak Your Roots

Ha kum kine ki por tlang, ka syaid hi ka shawla ban syaid ding. Ka dei ka jingïohi ïa u rnga ba u saw, ba u rhem ruh kaba pynsyaid ïa ngi. Katno ka jingïaknieh ban shong sawdong ïa ka shawla ban ïoh pyaw ding; tang ba syaid ka dur khmat bad ki kti ruh lah sngew im 😄😂 Da ïoh sa ban shong ban bam sawdong ka shawla lei lei, sa bad ki jingïathuhkhana ba bun jait...❤️
Kine ki dei ki rukom im jong ngi ki Khasi kiba iwei pa iwei na ngi ngi tip bad kynmaw bha. Ym lah ban ïoh ne ban kylliang da kiwei kiwei pat ki rukom ha ka pyrthei...ka jingsma jong ka lyer tlang, ka jingsma jong u rnga ba khluit, ka jingsieng jong ka tungrymbai ba shet ha shawla, ka jingiwbih jong ka syrwa tyrso bad dohsñiang 😋😋😋 Nga lah thngan ja biang!! 😂😂
During the cold of winter, it is the heat of the Khasi "shawla" that is the best in giving warmth. Just the sight of the red fiery charcoal is enough to make us feel warm and cosy. How we fight for a spot to sit around the "shawla" to feel the heat; even if only the face and hands are warm, one feels alive 😄😂 A bonus is getting to sit and eat around the "shawla" and add to that listening and telling stories of all kinds...❤️ This Khasi way of life is something we remember and know very well. It cannot be replaced by other ways in the world...the smell of winter air, the smell of hot charcoal, the aroma of boiling "tungrymbai" over the "shawla", the delicious smell of pork and mustard leaves boiling in a soup 😋😋😋 I'm getting hungry again!! 😂😂


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