In Khasi, the adverb "kai" suggests a mood that has no English equivalent and yet is very much a part of the lexicon of Khasi identity. "Kai" possesses a sense of pleasurable purposelessness, suffixed to a whole host of activities - "Ïaid kai" (to ramble, to stroll in the manner of a flaneur); "shong kai" (to sit around), "peit kai" (to just look), "leit kai" (to go on a leisurely outing) and so on.
Perhaps "hanging out" or "chilling" best approaches the feeling contained in the word -although both these terms indicate an attitude that involves some premeditation or conscious choice and somehow do not quite capture the relaxed, joyful spontaneity of the easy-going "kai" with its wonderful connotations of having the freedom to roam, to look, to relax - "for free" - in a world that is not bound by the demands of time.
Come, ïaid kai with me.
Inspired by Janet Hujon; Tales of Darkness & Light
Ka kyntien Khasi "kai" ka dei ka kyntien kaba ngi ju pyndonkam man la ka por tangba ngim ju poi pyrkhat ban batai bha ïa ka 😀
Khublei Shibun @janicepariat ïa ka jingpuson jong phi kaba sngewtynnat bad kaba sngew kordor! ❤️❤️ Ki don ki kyntien ki bym lah ban pynkylla shisha ïa ka jingmut jong ki sha kawei pat ka ktien.