Lada nang lane lada tip makna,
Haba phim don satia ka jingshisha;
Lada phi їoh makna ka spah shi pyrthei,
Haba їa lade phi die tad kynrei;
Lada deng da kup makna thabalaiñ,
Wei sahjit l'i long rynїeng ha ka raiñ,
La їoh makna shongkulai shonghati,
Haba phim khmihthuh la ka jinglong hi;
Lada phi bat niam nguh arti makna,
Haba phim long bahok ne ba shisha;
Lada phi tip phi kyrpad Blei makna,
Haba phim bat їa ka tynrai babha;
Lada phi paw nam makna ha pyrthei,
Haba phim mut, phim kren, phim leh shong Blei;
Kumno phin lait na ka jingmai U Blei,
Lada naduh nangne ne haduh lawei?
Kumno phin lait na ka rkhie beiñ rahrong,
Jong u bamih basep baroh sawdong?
Whatever you know whatever you gain,
It's useless if not by Truth sustained;
Even if very rich you become,
If no one respects you, what use is the pomp?
Even if you are very grandly attired,
it's useless for it's only your shame camouflaged:
You may reach the top, sit on horse, elephant,
If your reputation is sullied what use is it then?
Even if you worship with folded hands,
What use is it if you're not honest and kind?
Even if you worship God and Him entreat,
If, within you, goodness is not rooted deep,
Even if you're famous and well known worldwide,
If God you don't worship and revere inside,
How long will your escape His wrath, His judgement
Today or tomorrow you'll come to a sad end;
How long can you escape the scoffing of the world
Hounding you from all around?
Ka Jingsneng Tymmen Shaphang ka Akor Khasi ha ka Rukom Rwai Phawar, Part I (1902) & Part Il (1903) by Radhon Sing Berry Kharwanlang is a unique collection of valuable lessons and teaching on how to live a good and moral life. 🌻🌻
The teachings are given in the form of "phawar” where two lines follow the same rhyme scheme, that is, aa bb.
Both Part I and Part II have been translated into English by Bijoya Sawian @sawianbijoya in her book The Teachings of Elders: Ka Jingsneng Tymmen, Parts I and II (1997).
Picture 1&2: Ka Jingsneng Tymmen Shaphang ka Akor Khasi ha ka Rukom Rwai Phawar, Part I (1902)
Picture 3: The Teachings of Elders: Ka Jingsneng Tymmen, Parts I and II (1997).