Kane ka phuhmut phuhmat mangkarong,
Long ka kpait thawjot la tynrai la jong;
Lada ka tynrai lajong ka la jot,
Kat sha kaba phi thew phin shem apot;
Ka long briew man briew ka neh ha tynrai
Haduh hadien habud naduh hyndai;
Ko kur ko Kha ba ha ïing ha sem,
Kiar na ka pat kynsha ha it ha them;
Ha ka riam ka pah u kamon u kadiang;
To sian to nang sharai lade kyndiang;
Tang sah ka hok ha khmat U Blei bathaw,
Naduh mynta phin kyndit phin kynmaw.
All superficial pomp and ostentation
undermines Truth and is the root of destruction;
Once your character is destroyed,
Whatever you achieve, no one will applaud;
Well-being is assured if by Truth you abide,
Right from beginning to the end of your life;
Friends, acquaintances and all at home,
Do no wrong deeds wherever you roam;
Don't get ensnared by wicked people,
Be alert, be wary and set an example;
So that you'll always be at one with God,
From now on please remember my words.
Ka Jingsneng Tymmen Shaphang ka Akor Khasi ha ka Rukom Rwai Phawar, Part I (1902) & Part Il (1903) by Radhon Sing Berry Kharwanlang is a unique collection of valuable lessons and teaching on how to live a good and moral life. 📝✒️
The teachings are given in the form of "phawar” where two lines follow the same rhyme scheme, that is, aa bb.
Both Part | and Part II have been translated into English by Bijoya Sawian @sawianbijoya in her book The Teachings of Elders: Ka Jingsneng Tymmen, Parts I and II (1997).
Slide 1: Ka Jingsneng Tymmen Shaphang ka Akor Khasi ha ka Rukom Rwai Phawar, Part I (1902)
Slide 2: The Teachings of Elders: Ka Jingsneng Tymmen, Parts | and II (1997).