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“Ka Jingsneng Tymmen Shaphang ka Akor Khasi ha ka Rukom Rwai Phawar", Part I (1902) & Part II (1903)

Writer: Speak Your RootsSpeak Your Roots

Da thew la jingkren jingïaid bad jingleh,

Ba kan long kum ka jingkynshew ba neh;

Wat ju leh than ka kamai kajih,

Wat ju lut phut ha ka bam ha ka dih;

Ba ïoh ka hap lynnong ka jingshipa,

Ba ïoh ïap lum thadlad khlem kur khlem kha,

Wat ïalir lorni ïa ka kam kiwei,

Ba ïoh shet khongpong lade ka pyrthei;

To im sngi tang ïa la ka jong ka hok,

Ba la phi im phi ïap ruh kan don bok;

Kano kano ka ktien ruh wat ïalir,

Kano kano ka kam ruh wat bukhir;

Wat pynshong ñiangkuhiw la ka dohnud,

Ho shynrang kynthei, ho khynraw khyllud!

Always with discretion talk and act,

It's an investment that remains intact;

Do not overspend and your earnings deplete,

In drink and food, too, be discreet;

An extravagant life leads to penury,

You'll die alone without people and money;

Do not interfere in others' lives,

It does no good, trouble multiplies;

Concentrate on a life that's good and true,

Good fortune will always be there with you;

Never be too inquisitive and too prying,

Never meddle and be too interfering;

Always keep your innocent hearts pure as a pearl

All ye budding youth, ye boys and girls.

Ka Jingsneng Tymmen Shaphang ka Akor Khasi ha ka Rukom Rwai Phawar, Part I (1902) & Part II (1903) by Radhon Sing Berry Kharwanlang is a unique collection of valuable lessons and teaching on how to live a good and moral life. 📝📄📙
The teachings are given in the form of "phawar" where two lines follow the same rhyme scheme, that is, aa bb.
Both Part I and Part II have been translated into English by Bijoya Sawian @sawianbijoya in her book The Teachings of Elders: Ka Jingsneng Tymmen, Parts I and II (1997).
Picture 1: Ka Jingsneng Tymmen Shaphang ka Akor Khasi ha ka Rukom Rwai Phawar, Part I (1902)
Picture 2: The Teachings of Elders: Ka Jingsneng Tymmen, Parts I and II (1997).


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