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Ka Chu-noŋkûlliaŋ

Updated: Aug 14, 2023

Ka Chu-noŋkûlliaŋ

Ka kûntien"Chu-noŋkûlliaŋ" toh ka ktien Pnar paka kawa ha kini ki sŋi wûm em de u sñau i ha wa klam ha wa khape. Yæ u oŋ, Wa i mut yoŋ kani ka kûntien toh wau yarap, U yachan kûlliaŋ para bru ne para jan yung jan sem.

Ka Chu-noŋgkylliang

Ka kyntien "Chu-nongkylliang* ka dei ka ktien Pnar paka kaba ha kine ki sngi ngim ju ïohsngew shuh ha ka kren ka khana. Ngi lah ban ong ba ka jingmut jong kane ka kyntien ka dei ban ïarap, ban ïa kyrshan markylliang para bynriew ne para jan ïing jan sem.

Ka Chu-noŋkûlliaŋ

"Ka Chu-noŋkûlliaŋ" is a Pnar word which is not used often nowadays in conversation. It may be said that the word means the help or support that is given by family and friends to one another. The word "noŋkûlliaŋ" emphasises that help should be returned by both sides.

"Ka Chu-noŋkûlliaŋ" is a Pnar word that highlights compassion and sympathy that is given and acknowledged in its return. 🫂👥 Khublei Chiboon @xdtnoahjupejackllthmanar wa maya phi ya ka ktien ka thylliej 😄🙏 🟡 Khasi translation by @xdtnoahjupejackllthmanar 🟡 English translation by @speakyourroots

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