Shano phi jah, phi dang rwai ne em mynta?
Lah pher ka sur jong phi, phim
syiang shuh kum mynshwa.
Lah ngiah ban sngap ki khanatang u maw.
Balei phi kren kumne?
Nga sngew phi lah sdang thoh,
don seh kiba pule?
Nga sngew phi lah sdang thoh
don seh kiba pule?
Phi kwah ba ngan jubab, hynrei
phim ai lad ba ngan kren.
Laiphew kyrteng phi khot, phi wad
daw, phi byrthen.
Da nga sngap jar tuh em, ym long
"U dei uba mynthi",
Da nga pynphai tang shikyntien
"U wan kheiñ biej ïangi!"
Wat her palat sha jan ki lyoh ba thang ka sngi,
U shynrang un bishar ïa la ka dpei ka bri
Kin long aïu kita ki jingphohsniew,
Kumno keiñ kin seisoh?
Pyndep kamram khnang ba pyrthei
kan ym kynnoh,
Lada hap ïap ruh to, tang ban ym shah kynthoh.
Ha la marwei nga shong, nga ïaleh ban pynwandur:
Kumno sha la u jong da waitlam ki wan tur.
Balei manga pat ïa ki nga wad lad ban pynhun?
Hapoh dohnud haduh lano jingkhia ngan kun?
Hangno u kut u pud ia phi ban pynsngewbha?
Ngam kwah ba kynjatshai kan
shem thylli ïanga
Bad ba ka jingieid ïalade nga lah
Set duh hapoh byndi.
La wan tyllup umsaw ka
biahphongrai jong phi,
A! Don mo u ban 'rap?
Ngam lah shuh te ban jngi.
Where did you go, do you still sing now?
Your voice is different, it's not as
delicately rippled as before.
Tired of listening to the folktale of the stone.
Why do you talk like this?
I heard you've stated to write, are there
people who read?
I heard you've started to write, are there
people who read?
You want me to answer, but you don't
give me a chance to speak.
You call me all kinds of names, you find
fault, you threaten in rage.
If I keep quiet too it's no use: "He is sullen"
If I reply with only a word: "He considers us fools!"
Don't fly too near the clouds for the sun will burn,
The man should judge over his own hearth and field.
What will become of these dreams,
How will they bear fruit?
Complete the duties so the world will not blame,
Even if I die I accept it, just to avoid criticism.
I sit by myself, I struggle to mould and shape:
How do they approach me with swords, who is their own.
Why do I search for ways to pacify them?
For how long do I hold in the heaviness in my heart?
Where does the limit end for me
to make you happy?
I don't want the dawn to find me empty
With love for myself
Hidden completely behind bars.
Your slander is a swelling flood
that covers me
Is there anyone who can help me?
I cannot swim anymore.
Khublei Shibun @vancouvershullai ba phi la ai lad ban post ïa ki kyntien jong ka jingrwai "Jubab"! Ngi sngew kmen ba ka jingrwai ka lah dap shi snem mynta ha ka 10 tarik u Ïaïong!🙏🙏💓💓 Phi la thoh ïa ka jingrwai kaba kit ïa shibun syrtap ki jingmut, kaba tih bniah shaphang ka jingïaleh hapoh u briew bad ka jingwad ïa ka jingtip shaphang ka malade. Ïa kine baroh la pynsngew da ka sur kynud kaba sawa kynmaw bad noh mynsiem jong ka jingrwai bad ruh lyngba ka jingsam kaba myllung jong phi. Ka jingrwai kaba thoh na ka mynsiem ka long kaba shong jylliew bad shong salonsar, kaba nang ïar ka jingïahap jong ka katba nang ïar ki jingshem ha ka jingim! ✨✨ "Jubab" or "Answer" is a beautifully sensitive song with multiple layers of meaning, delving into the conflict within an individual and the persistent need for self-knowledge. All this is rendered by the haunting, despondent melody of the song and the emotive delivery of the artist. A song written from the heart is profound and universal, broadening its relevance with more experience of human life! ✨✨ "Jubab" has turned one on the 10th of April! 👏👏 🟡 English translation by @speakyourroots