HERBARIUM SHEET SERIES 3 by @micromotives
The third in the Herbarium Sheet series is the leaf of the Mulberry tree or Dieng Sohlyngdkhur as it is called in Khasi.
"U Sohlyngdkhur u dei u soh ba bang ban bam bad ba lam rong sawdum. Ïa ki sla jong u la ju pyndonkam ha kaba bsa ïa ki khñiang kha ksai". - Ka Dienshonhi: The Khasi Encyclopaedic Dictionary
Genus / Species: Morus alba
Family: Moraceae
Common Name: Mulberry/ Sohlyngdkhur/ Miskuri
Habitat: Garden
Location: New Kenche's Trace, Shillong, Meghalaya
Collected by: Daniel Ebor Challam
Collection Date: 15th July, 2023
Collection #: 75
Khublei Shibun @micromotives for another of these beautiful herbarium sheets! 🙏🌿🍃