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Excerpt from "Ka Um Bad Ki Deiriti ha ka Meirisawkun" (2008)

Ki kyntien na Ka Um Bad Ki Deiriti ha ka Meirisawkun (2008) ba thoh da i Dr. Dondor Giri Nongkhlaw.

Words from Ka Um Bad Ki Deiriti ha ka Meirisawkun (Water and Culture In The Environment) (2008) by Dr. Dondor Giri Nongkhlaw.

Haiñ - Temperature

Ri Shriaw - Desert

Kreiding - Volcano

Yanroh - Pollution

Saiñ Umtli - Condensation

Hap Brum - Precipitation

Chamet Am - Liquid waste

Chamet Tylli - Solid waste

Here is the third list of unique words from the book Ka Um Bad Ki Deiriti ha ka Meirisawkun by Dr. Dondor Giri Nongkhlaw. 🌊🌀
Dr. Dondor Giri Nongkhlaw is a Geomorphologist who has written several Khasi books focussing on the elements of the environment and their bond with Khasi life and culture.
Kaba sngewtynnat ka long ba i Dr. Nongkhlaw i la thaw ïa kine ki kyntien da kaba shim bad bynrap na ki ktien Khasi-Pnar kiba bun jong ngi, ban pynman bad pynroi ïa kine ki kyntien kiba ngin pyndonkam ha ka jingpule Science bad Geography. 🙏👏
What is good is that Dr. Nongkhlaw has coined these words by taking from the various Khasi-Pnar dialects that are there, to establish and add them to the language, so we can use them in the study of Science and Geography. 🙏👏

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