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Encouraging the creation of Khasi hashtags!

Kum shi bynta ban pynroi ïa ka ktien Khasi, ka Speak Your Roots ka kyntu ban pyndonkam da ki hashtag Khasi!

To ngin ïa pyrkhat bad pynmih da ki hashtag kiba don jingmut ki ban ïalam sha ka pynneh bad pynroi ïa ka ktien Khasi.

In an effort to help with the growth of the Khasi language, Speak Your Roots encourages the creation of Khasi hashtags!

Let's come up with good and interesting hashtags that relate to preserving and growing the Khasi language.

Kum ban shu ai nuksa:

Sa phah ki hashtag jong phi ne lada phi post eiei sa pyndonkam da ki bad tag lem ïa @speakyourroots ! 😃😃

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