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Writer: Speak Your RootsSpeak Your Roots

Ka ktien "ehrang" ka don ar jingmut. Ha kawei ka liang ka mut u ne ka briew kiba ïeng pyneh satar ha ki khep wat lada kane ka wanrah ïa ka jingma bad ka jingshitom. Ha kawei pat ka liang la ju pyndonkam ruh da ka ktien "ehrang" ïa kito kiba don ka mon kaba jwat bad ki bym jem khnap, wat haba ki mad ïa ki jingeh bad jingkordit.

The word "ehrang" has two meanings. On one hand, it describes a person who stands firm even if this brings destructive consequences. On the other hand, the word "ehrang" is also used to describe someone who has a firm resolve and a determined will, even when facing difficult and harrowing experiences.

Ehrang" is another Khasi word that needs a proper definition in order to understand its whole meaning.
Khublei Shibun @meiithei for helping to define this word! 😄🙏
Khasi explication and English translation by @speakyourroots


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