Ki rukom ong "Khublei Shibun" ba pher ha ka ktien Khasi
Ka ktien "Khublei" ka thew ïa ka jingsngewnguh bad ka jingkyrkhu. Ka ktien "khu" ka wan na ka ktien "kyrkhu" bad ka ktien "blei", na ka ktien "Blei", kata ka mut, U Blei un kyrkhu ïa phi. Ka ktien "Shibun" ka mut kaba bun bad ka ktien "Khublei Shibun" ka thew ïa ka jingsngewnguh kaba shikatdei ne katta katta.
The word "Khublei" refers to a feeling of gratitude and is also an expression of a blessing. The word "khu" comes from the word "kyrkhu" which means to bless and "Blei" which means God. So "Khublei" means God bless you. The word "Shibun" means many and in the phrase "Khublei Shibun" it refers to an immense feeling of gratitude.
"Khublei Shikatnor" and "Khublei Shikhohtyndaw"
Kane ka rukom ong Khublei Shibun la shim na ka "Shatwaidong" jong ka kot Ka Kolshor Khasi Kumba Paw ha ka Literashor Khasi (2006) kaba la thoh da i Dr. (Sr.) Philomena Kharkakor RNDM.
This way of saying Khublei Shibun is taken from the Introduction to the book Ka Kolshor Khasi Kumba Paw ha ka Literashor Khasi (2006) written by Dr. (Sr.) Philomena Kharkakor RNDM.
Ha baroh artylli ki rukom ong ka don ka jingsngewnguh kaba jylliew bad kaba shikatdei haduh katta katta.
In both instances, the words express a deep and immense sense of gratitude and thankfulness.
There are two ways of saying "Khublei Shibun" that are different from the usual way of saying the phrase. Khublei Shibun @_.adegram._ and @redfm_rjzack for bringing up these two new ways of saying "Khublei Shibun" 😄🙏