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Body parts in Khasi

Ka Dongnai (ka tduh u shyieng budlum) - Tailbone

Irmat (ka rengmat; kawei na ki bynta ba tap ïa ka khmat) - Eyelid

U Ñiuhtrong (u shñiuh kynthong ba ha khlieh eh jong ka khlieh) - A turf of hair

Matsohlah (ka bynta ha kaba don ar tylli kiba at tnun ha ryndang kjat) - Ankle

Ka Jylleng (ka kpoh) - Abdomen

Ka Jwár (ka jingdon dak ha ka met kaba long naduh dang kha - Birthmark

Ka Dongkhmat - Cornea

Ka Khylloid - Ligament

Here are the names of some body parts in Khasi 🤓🤓 If the doctor's prescription was in Khasi, we're sure we would see some of these words 😅😅
🟡 Source: Rev. Dr. Ïarington Kharkongor

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