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Blooh Tayaw

Writer: Speak Your RootsSpeak Your Roots

"Blooh tayaw" toh i rukom klam yong ki Puar iwa mut ya iwon iwon i kám iwa u bru sñiawsuk u u leh, kat kam i jingsñiaw yong o.

Ye i u ong kamni: "I lai khwe tœ toh i blooh tayaw wot u sœ!"

Tanqwa toh u kûnmo wa klam ki ki ini i ktien du hawa klam ke hi eh.

"Blooh tayaw" ka dei ka jingong Pnar kaba lah ban pynkylla sha ka Khasi kum ka "Mluh taïew". Kane ka mut ïa kano kano ka kam kaba u briew u sngewtynnat ban leh kat kum ka jingsngew jong u.

Ngi lah ban pyndonkam kumne: "Ka leit khwai te ka dei ka blooh tayaw jong u keiñ!"

Tangba dei ban kynmaw ba kane ka jingong ka dei tang ka rukom kren kai bad haba kren biria.

"Blooh tayaw" is a Pnar phrase which means any task or hobby a person is fond of and likes to do. It is literally translated as "a weekly salt".

We can say for instance that if someone is fond of angling, then that is his "blooh tayaw".

It should be remembered that this phrase is used only in colloquial and casual conversation and not in formal speech.

Here is a Pnar phrase which is a witty way of referring to a person's hobby or something that he likes to do 🚴⛹️💃🤹 "Blooh tayaw" thus becomes a significant part of someone's way of life and personality. 😄😄 🟡 Pnar, Khasi and English explication given by @speakyourroots


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