Ka jingong "bam kynjing" ka thew ïa ka jingpyrshang ban kiar ïa kata ka bym sngewtynnat ban bam, tangba la shu bam la ka bam namar bym banse. Ka don ka jingsngewkhohñioh haba la bam ïa ka jingbam. Hadien ba la bam kynjing kumne, don ki briew kiba ju thut kpoh da kaba ïoh jingdap lyer ne jingpynhiar.
The Khasi word "kynjing" literally means to dislike something or to be disgusted by something. The word denotes something unpleasant. When it is used with the word "bam" which means to eat, what is conveyed is a dislike or a sense of disgust while eating something. The phrase also implies a reluctance or hesitance while eating this food. Sometimes when someone has eaten food with this sense of reluctance, the person suffers from an upset stomach like gastritis or diarrhoea.
The Khasi phrase "Bam Kynjing" feels contradictory but it does capture this phenomenon which many of us have experienced 😅😄 Sometimes out of courtesy and good Khasi manners 😅 we keep on munching something that we don't like at all. 🟡 Khasi and English explication by @speakyourroots
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