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Speak Your Roots

Speak Your Roots emerged out of a conversation which demanded there be more meaningful experiences on social media. An Instagram page was created which would focus on indigenous languages, in particular the Khasi language as an effort to revive the interest not only in speaking the language but also in reading and writing in the Khasi language. On the 3rd of August 2020, the page was launched and it continues to be a work of passion and love for community and culture. Thus, with a strong communitarian effort behind it, Speak Your Roots aims at the preservation and popularisation of Khasi language and literature, illuminating on folklore and folklife, thereby becoming a symbolic hearth where we come together to kindle the fire of indigenous heritage.

Daiarisa Rumnong


Dr. Daiarisa Rumnong is currently an Assistant Professor in the Department of English, St. Mary's College, Shillong, Meghalaya. Her areas of specialisation include Latin American Magical Realism, Life-Narrative studies and Memory studies. Dr. Rumnong writes poetry in English and Khasi. She also has a strong interest in Khasi folklore, language and literature and is also involved in translation. 

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The Speak Your Roots website is supported by The Northeast India AV Archive,
Department of Mass Media,
St. Anthony's College

© 2023 Speak Your Roots

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